Welcome to our website...

We are an all inclusive drumming group that is based in North Yorkshire. We all have the ability to drum, we all have heart beats which are the rhythm of our souls....

Monday, 23 February 2009

Thoughts for the day

Where does Ruthie get all her pearls of wisdom and does Helen get up at 6am to find films of seaslugs for our viewing?


  1. Cowbellingo, Your mum must be very wise. X Thanks for sharing them with us , I bet your mums chuffed.

  2. I don't know about wise but she was very very funny and came out with some classics !!!! I wish I could remember them all !!!!LOL I've just realised I'm turning into my mother !!!!!!!!!!!!! AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  3. Yeeehaaa CowBellingodigosingo!!!!!!!! , I'm getting the hang of this now....Ive worked out how to get a daily update via my emails....Am Loving the thoughts for the day, keep em coming and the daily blog name extensions and changes.....LOL!!!!
    I recon mine is developing into something like Bongobubaliciousbeelzibublet....

  4. Im glad Im not the only one Helen....LOL
    I was trawling thru everything to see wot was new.....
    If you look under the "Post a Comment Box" on each of the Blog Threads there is a "Subscribe to Emails". Click this and anything new on that particular blog will be sent to your email....You have to click it for each "blog thread" thou.....eeeeee look at me using blog language....LOL
    Good Luck

  5. At your service....LOL
    and there was me beginning to think you were done with the extensions.....LOL....from

  6. Bongo Bub, you've taken to this like a Staithes duck to a duck race X


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