Welcome to our website...

We are an all inclusive drumming group that is based in North Yorkshire. We all have the ability to drum, we all have heart beats which are the rhythm of our souls....

Saturday, 10 November 2018


But we are still here!
We have recently ceased meeting at TOC-H Saltburn but continue to be found at Carlin How Jubilee Hall  Tuesdays from about 9 pm to 11 pm (yes, that's late) complete with keyboardist and often guitars and fiddles.  This is usually after having played at Guisborough Kavern Klub (aka Costa Coffee)  5 - 7 pm .
Also found regularly at Scarborough "Any Drum Circle" fortnightly , and in the summer (Apr - Sept) on the first Sunday of the month  2 - 4 pm on Saltburn Beach.
There's usually lots more going on too, so find it all on our Facebook site and keep up-to-date.

This here is just a Legacy Site mainly telling you about the early days of Ee By Drum.  We never use it now, and the character and quality of the circle has changed.  But it's still 100% open to all inclcuding absolute beginners for a good old drum bash.

Our email is the one pictured below (17/10/17) NOT the one to The right here.

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