Welcome to our website...

We are an all inclusive drumming group that is based in North Yorkshire. We all have the ability to drum, we all have heart beats which are the rhythm of our souls....

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Col's do

Right then..just to confirm stuff for Sat..it's open to all me mates plus their mates(yeh that includes you lot!) plus a springlking of oldies from past lives e.g. Artlypuddle, various M'bro-based werkplaces over past 3000 yrs, many of whom CAN'T STAND DRUMLING!! So we're on lateish so we don't scare peeps off - probly WELL after 10, after we've chatted, scoffed, drunk like a fleet of fish, bopped like manic versions of our dance guru Acky...We're 100% ok for kids in our bit - turn RIGHT inside front door, park yer motor in the main Somerfield's carpark 2 mins walk away..will post DEFFO directions for Rubystrasse 2moro...

then HIT THE BEACH on SUNDAY!!! fab eh??

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