Welcome to our website...

We are an all inclusive drumming group that is based in North Yorkshire. We all have the ability to drum, we all have heart beats which are the rhythm of our souls....

Friday, 20 February 2009

Comaradely visit to Scarborough Drum Circle

Yes, we had a jolly old time, with some neat work with dunduns,sangbans, didges, wangers, bells, shakers, sticks and anything we could lay our hands on that made a noise. Some eclectic movement and dancing is becoming something of a trade mark. These photos taken rather late in the proceedings do not convey this. But hey, "wish you were here." (well...there.)


  1. Great photos Acky Woe-Woe! What a great night, we'll have to plan another Scarborough adventure soon, mebees go a bit earlier and check out the sights and sounds of Scarborough, its ages since I've been there, a day trip with drummin, sounds groovy, fish and chips too... Ee-by-Yum! x

  2. Ee by expanding tum!!! Maybe we could do it as part of our tour!!!


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